The logo of the Relational Ecotherapy Institute shows a drop of water with silhouettes of ferns and mushrooms in it.
Water– life originated in it and without it it is not possible. Our evolutionary ancestors emerged from the water, and each of us, before our feet touch the ground, is cradled in maternal fetal waters as in the primeval ocean. Both mythically – among many cultures, including Slavic ones, and phylogenetically, the roots of the tree of life are immersed in water. Water connects, communicates, is a carrier of life-giving substances, provides an environment for essential life processes, cleanses and renews. This is where creation and reproduction happen.
Life started in water and without it it is not possible. Our evolutionary ancestors emerged from the water, and each of us, before our feet touch the ground, is cradled in maternal fetal waters as in the primeval ocean. Both mythically – among many cultures, and phylogenetically, the roots of the tree of life are immersed in water.
Water connects, communicates, is a carrier of life-giving substances, provides an environment for essential life processes, cleanses and renews. This is where creation and reproduction happen
Fearn symbolizes not only primary plants, but also fractality, complexity and multi-story nature. In our understanding, it speaks about the connection of the big and the small, about universal patterns that we observe in external natural and internal psychic spaces. It talks about the curiosity of exploring paths, spiral development, as well as the balance of light and shadow, because in such an environment ferns feel best.
Reality has a fractal structure and development, according to analytical psychology, takes place in a spiral. What more symbolically captures both of these aspects than a fern leaf?
Mycelium is a community. It connects, in an ambiguous, sometimes hidden underground way, not only the fruiting bodies of mushrooms, but also plants, trees – even of different species, creating an information and nutritional network of the forest. Mycelium is exchange, community, networking. It is diversity and the possibility of cooperation while maintaining difference. It’s also synchronicity.
Mycelium is a mystery and the opportunity to discover the unexplored. Aboveground, conscious knowledge and underground, ephemeral intuition.